Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (2024)
Join the AUA for Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (2024), featuring three dynamic live webinars – two tailored specifically for Urologists and presented in English and Español, and another for Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) presented in English. Each live course will showcase an expert multidisciplinary panel ready to dive into an engaging discussion on the latest breakthroughs and strategies in NMIBC management. Don’t miss this chance to elevate your expertise in this critical field. Register today!
For more information on and to register for Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: Expert Guidance for Urologists - English (2024), click here.
For more information on and to register for Cáncer de Vejiga No Invasivo Muscular: Orientación de Expertos Para Urólogos - Español (2024), click here.
For more information on and to register for Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: Expert Guidance for Advanced Practice Providers (2024), click here.
All three webinars will be recorded and posted on the AUAUniversity YouTube channel for on-demand viewing for up to one year. Additionally, the English content will be hosted on AUAUniversity, and Español content will be hosted on the AUAUniversity Español microsite. The English webinar for urologists will be released as an episode on the AUAUniversity Podcast.
Support provided by independent educational grants from:
- ImmunityBio, Inc.
- Merck & Co., Inc.
- UroGen Pharma, Inc.
Target Audience
- Urologists
- APPs
Learning Objectives
Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: Expert Guidance for Urologists
After participating in this CME activity, participants will be able to:
- Assess the risk stratification of low, intermediate, and high risk NMIBC patients to appropriately guide treatment decisions.
- Employ diagnostic techniques for NMIBC, including cystoscopy, urine cytology, biomarkers, and advanced imaging modalities.
- Tailor treatment strategies based on individual patient characteristics and tumor biology to highlight the potential of personalized medicine in improving the management of NMIBC.
- Identify new and emerging therapies for NMIBC, such as novel intravesical agents and immunotherapies.
- Properly manage adverse events associated with NMIBC treatment.
Cáncer de Vejiga No Invasivo Muscular: Orientación de Expertos Para Urólogos - Español (2024)
Después de participar en esta actividad de CME, los participantes podrán:
- Evaluar la estratificación de riesgo de pacientes con NMIBC de riesgo bajo, intermedio y alto para guiar adecuadamente las decisiones de tratamiento.
- Emplear técnicas de diagnóstico para NMIBC, que incluyen cistoscopia, citología de orina, biomarcadores y modalidades de imágenes avanzadas.
- Adaptar estrategias de tratamiento basadas en las características individuales de los pacientes y la biología del tumor para resaltar el potencial de la medicina personalizada para mejorar el tratamiento del NMIBC.
- Identificar terapias nuevas y emergentes para NMIBC, como nuevos agentes intravesicales e inmunoterapias.
- Manejar adecuadamente los eventos adversos asociados con el tratamiento NMIBC.
Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: Expert Guidance for APPs
After participating in this CME activity, participants will be able to:
- Identify the epidemiology, risk factors, and typical clinical presentation of NMIBC.
- Apply the recommended surveillance protocols for patients with low, intermediate, and high risk NMIBC, including frequency and types of follow-up examinations.
- Explain the impact of NMIBC and its treatments on patients' quality of life.
- Employ strategies to mitigate adverse effects related to NMIBC.
- Explore innovative approaches in development for the diagnosis and treatment of NMIBC.