Mark Cain, MD

Dr. Cain is a Professor of Urology at the University of Washington, Associate Surgeon in Chief, and Director of Regional and Ambulatory Surgical Services for Seattle Children's Hospital. The Pediatric Urology Division at Seattle Children's is recognized as one of the leading international centers for urinary tract reconstructive surgery in children. Dr. Cain is a Trustee for the American Board of Urology, and serves as the Chair of the Pediatric Urology Subspecialty Certification, and is the ABU liason to the Examination Committee. He has coauthored over 250 manuscripts and book chapters, the majority of these related to urinary tract reconstruction in children with Spina Bifida and neuropathic bladder. Dr. Cain's other area of clinical interest is in perinatal urology, and he has served as President of the International Society for Fetal Urology. He has been active in the Section of Urology for the American Academy of Pediatrics, serving as past Program Chair, as a member of the Executive Committee, and as Chair. He has also served on the Executive Committee of the Society for Pediatric Urology. He is a past Assistant Editor for Pediatric Urology for the Journal of Urology. He has been active in international medicine, serving as one of the American Urological Association Traveling Fellows in 2002, and is past-chair of the AAP/ESPU Traveling Fellowship Committee. When not busy with his clinical practice or academic work, Dr. Cain enjoys traveling with his family, and fly-fishing on remote streams.